Friday, 14 November 2008

What are the services of consulting?

Our Consulting services include
Outsourced Forecasting Department. For organizations with limited forecasting requirements, we function as an outsourced forecasting department. This service allows the client to benefit from experienced forecasters without the need to invest in additional staff, training or specialized software. We bring expert knowledge and experience to each project, thereby dramatically reducing the learning curve and allowing clients to benefit immediately from our services.
Appraisal and Economic Analysis.We provide forecast appraisal and economic analysis services designed to assist end users such as managers, senior executives, board members and others who depend upon quality financial and economic forecasts in their decision-making process. We review in-house or externally generated financial and economic forecasts as an independent unbiased party on behalf of the end user. We assess the quality of the forecast, which enables the decision-maker to better understand the risks associated with the forecast.

Aims objectives and activities

  • To provide a dynamic network of institutions engaged in Management Education, Training and Research in India.
  • To contribute to the development of Management Education, in all its aspects, both qualitatively and quantitatively and to help maintain and improve standards of teaching, research and examination.
  • To undertake, organize and facilitate training programmes for in-service personnel and their professional development.
  • To help in the accreditation process of Management Education Institutions by suggesting specific criteria and evaluation standards of institutions and their programmes.
  • To undertake and provide for the publication of newsletters, journals or other communications for dessimination of ideas and developments in the field of Management Education to member institutions.
  • To institute or cause to set up local/regional chapters at convenient locations in India and to promote the objects of the Association more effectively.
  • To cooperate, collaborate and interact with other Associations or Societies - National and International - for helping the cause of Management Education and Research, including training and consultancy.
  • To take steps for the development of management literature, case studies, teaching materials, books, etc., relevant to the Indian context.

About Aims Consultancy

Aims Management Consulting s.r.o. provides their clients with professional services in the area of Executive Search and Personnel Consultancy. Aims consulting belongs to the worldwide number one in this area, namely Aims International Group.
The basis of our success is, first of all, a stable team of specialist consultants,who have extensive experience in fulfilling managerial positions in prestigious companies.
Their expertise and professionalism guarantee the quality of our work.These specialists,thanks to a deep knowledge of the market,are able to satisfy a wide spectrum of requirements, even for extremely demanding clients.
We are oriented in the areas of Industry, Financial Services, Information Technologies,Telecommunications and FMCG. Our clients are Czech and international corporations, middle sized companies ,including entrepreneurs.

Information Sheet on AIMS Service:

  • AIMS Services for Managers
  • AIMS Services for Residents
  • Consultation / Ballot-counting Service (with additional application form)
  • Community Surveys
  • Mediation Factsheet for Managers
  • Mediation Factsheet for Residents
  • Using Mediation within the Complaints Process

AIMS consultancy covers a range of services custom-designed to help solve specific problems.

  • Independent reviews of internal policies and procedures;
  • Legal work for landlords;
  • Attendance by AIMS staff at housing management or resident meetings for the purpose of advising‚ facilitating discussions‚ or to share AIMS knowledge and expertise about housing law and good practice‚ consultation and dispute resolution.
  • Specialised conflict resolution services for complex situations. These may use a combination of tools including community surveys‚ a series of mediations and/or facilitated meetings to suit the needs of the situation

Aims and Scope

The Aims management Consultancy Pool w.V. (GHyCoP) is a public-private-partnership (PPP) composed from the industrial, state and research sectors in Germany. Its objective is to address in most flexible way a wide range of products and services related to or based on hydrography, such as:
  • Expert advice and support
  • Scientific investigations and marine research
  • Provision of hydrographic surveys and related services
  • Geodata services
  • Provision of equipment
  • Equipment and instrumentation supply
  • Implementation of procedures
  • Education and training

The AIM Consulting Group will:

  • Help develop business strategies
  • Use process consultation and facilitation skills to promote positive changes
  • Help develop a climate to support business success
  • Offer leading edge strategies for management of human resources to gain commitment in change
  • Share new ideas to actively engage employees in business
  • Measure success and productivity
  • Assist in implementing change
  • Analyse business strategies and operations to discover business strengths and weaknesses

Aims Management consultancy Service

Aims Management Consultancy is an organization of psychotherapists and counsellors working in the existential tradition. We aim to provide counselling, psychotherapy, and consultancy to the highest standards of professional competence and ethical practice.

Aims Management Consultancy

Aims Management Consultancy is an organization of psychotherapists, counsellors, psychologists, and medical practitioners working in the existential tradition. We aim to provide counselling, psychotherapy, consultancy, medical, and medicolegal services to the highest standards of professional competence and ethical practice. Please browse our website. When booking our services, be sure to read the information about appointments and feel welcome to contact our administrator with your requirements. Finding out more will not commit you to anything!
Aims Management Consultancy was founded and continues to be directed by the first chairs of the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy:

Monday, 10 November 2008

Advice on and assistance with all aspects of legislative compliance

The objective of product stewardship is to encourage manufacturers to redesign products with fewer toxics, and to make them more durable, reusable, and recyclable, and with recycled materials.
NCEC’s Consultancy service provides for classification, labelling, Safety Data Sheet creation, information and advice. If European Transport and Supply legislation proves to be a problem, we can help.
Our aim is also to provide advice to help you manage the risks of your products throughout the supply chain. You, your distributors and customers face a wide variety of regulatory challenges, whilst at the same time wanting to meet your Responsible Care commitments. The Consultancy service is available to help you meet these challenges.Our service will take the pressure off you now - you can concentrate on your core business of manufacturing, supply and distribution, confident that you are complying with the Regulations as they apply to you.

AIM/ESRC Business Engagement Project - Management Consultancy

Indicative Management Priorities
From research to date, the following six themes have emerged as management priorities in UK management consultancy practice. If you wish to comment, please contact Richard Adams, or click on the link following the descriptive paragraphs below.
1. Professionalisation of the industry
2. Procurement of consultancy services
3. Dealing with risk
4. The role and management of innovation in consultancy relationships
5. Consideration of alternative business models
6. Human resource issues in management consulting

AIM Consulting has experience and business knowledge in the following industry sectors:

  • Warehousing (starting from very simple inventory management systems and stretching up to state of the art complex warehouse management systems, including integration with bar-code scanners and label-writers)
  • Telecommunications (gathering and reporting network state information, utilizing SNMP and custom-based protocols and solutions)
  • Financial services (including stock and commodity automation, trading and clearing operations automation)
  • Software and technology(software management and development process automation using integrated 3rd party and home grown solutions.)

Thursday, 23 October 2008

Benefits of ISO 9001:2000

Organisations have obtained measurable benefits early in the process of deploying the standard requirements in their operations. Some of benefits that they obtained are a follows: -
A template for the creation of a sound quality system and a foundation to develop future quality initiatives.
Reduce Costs
Enhance Customer Satisfaction
Grearter brand loyality.
An important step in the road to Total Quality Management.
Help to identify best practice and ensure everyone in the organisation is moving in the right direction.
A powerful management tool that complements other key management other key management functions such as financial and strategic planning.

ISO 9001:2008

ISO 9001:2000 is under revision and the final draft standard is under circulation for voting by member bodies.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition which was released during December 2000. The revised standard is expected to be published in the autumn of 2008.